Archive | June, 2012

We’re back at the shop!

19 Jun

Back into the Chorlotn Arts Festival shop this week, with lots of amazing purchases on offer, including my stitchpics.

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It wasn’t my intention to have my reflection included in the photos, but it was surpisingly sunny on Monday morning-for a pleasant change!

Squashed frogs!

15 Jun

Took a trip to Edinburgh over half term to visit the folks. My parents are moving house at the end of the month so I needed to collect the last of my flotsam and jetsam. Amongst some books and childhood nick nacks, I came back with two quilts made during my embroidery degree, one of which I has totally forgotten about; the squashed frog quilt. I made this quilt over 20 years ago, when I was 20 years old! The quilt has lots of computer embroidery of beetles on it, that look a bit like squashed frogs, taken from sketches done at The Manchester Museum. Not having seen the quilt for a number of years I was quite impressed by the quality of stitch and subtlety of design and colour!

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